Higher Ed Watch’s Academic BCS, which ranks the top college football teams using academic indicators, shows Stanford as number one and Boise State as number two.
Boise State’s football players are more likely to graduate than non-athletes, notes Ben Miller on The Quick and the Ed. Boise State’s graduation rate is only 26 percent, compared to 52 percent for football players.
. . . though the black football players do have lower graduation rates than the white members of the team, their 43 percent completion rate is still 20 percentage points higher than the figure for white males at the school overall.
. . . The academic accomplishments of the Boise State football team should provide instructive lessons for the school overall. The university should take a look at the various tutoring and other academic supports given to football players to see which ones could be adopted for the general student body.
The top-ranked football team, Auburn, ranks 20th in the Academic BCS with second-ranked Oregon at 21st.